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Participant Experiences in Baltimore City's Specialized Prostitution Diversion Program
UMB Dataset

UID: 6

Author(s): Corey S. Shdaimah*, Marie Bailey-Kloch, Philip Osteen * Corresponding Author
This dataset was generated from a qualitative, exploratory study to understand how the Baltimore Specialized Prostitution Diversion Program (SPD) operated and was experienced by those working and participating in it. Qualitative data included observations of participants during their interactions with the court and SPD staff as well as interviews with twenty-one SPD clients. Administrative program data was collected in 2010 on 616 arrestees and included demographic information, self-assessment for areas of need, and participants’ goals. Administrative court data collected by SPD staff was also examined for 221 eligible participants and included court dates, weekly attendance, and program completion. The semi-structured interview guide allowed participant input with questions centered on their understanding and experience of the program, what impeded or facilitated their participation and engagement with the program, and general recommendations.
2010 - 2011
Subject of Study
Subject Domain
Population Age
Adult (19 years to 64 years)
Subject Gender